At Island Landscape + Design we combine design and construction to give you a garden that will suit your site and your lifestyle.

Our process it all starts with a design consultation where you tell us what you need and want.  We find out if you like to garden a lot, a bit, or not at all.  Do you like to entertain outdoors?  Do you have kids or pets?  Do you have favourite colours or plants? Then we’ll deliver a design that will work best for you – and your budget.

You can see how our process works,

Stage One:
Initial consult to determine your wants and needs and understanding your environment.

Stage Two:
Develop ideas and agree on proposed plan.

Stage Three:
Detailed plan to scale – plans are determined upon complexity of the design. Not every design requires a hand drawn plan to scale; on occasion designs can be a quick sketch or a simple conversation.

Stage Four:
Sign off on design and contract scope of work.

Island Landscape and Design produce quality of workmanship that is second to none, we don’t believe in taking short cuts.